A food-safe first for Port Hardy - Mowi - Canada West

A food-safe first for Port Hardy

Port Hardy Processing Plant
Recently the Port Hardy Processing Plant (PHPP) experienced the first official CFIA audit under the brand new Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR). This is a new standard for the industry and PHPP was the first seafood processing plant in Canada to be certified.

A key part of our successful certification is that PHPP has a Preventive Control Plan (PCP) that demonstrates that, as an exporter, we understand the risks associated with the food we export. Our PCP includes a risk analysis of every processing step from receiving input material to shipping and transportation. This analysis also incorporates possible risks in aspects related to biological, chemical and physical hazards and potential allergen inclusions for each processing step.

The next steps incorporate the description of all preventative measures used to mitigate or eliminate any possible hazard identified during the risk analysis. To be in compliance with the SCFR, the PCP describes all the control measures for each processing step and the monitoring activity for those where records play a key role.

Our systems and processes meant that we met the SFCR requirements that we hold the correct license for producing our product, and that the food itself also meets the applicable standards for safety, grading, standards, labelling, and quantity. We also keep clear records that trace where we sourced our input material and to whom we provided it. Lot accountability and notification procedures play a key roll to demonstrate full traceability. An accurate and current recording system is used to control our product entering the distribution chain, up to the first shipping destination. It includes pertinent information such as: date of processing, farm site, pen number, shipping invoice number, shipping carrier, first shipping destination and date product is shipped.

We track product from farm pen to customer using the Innova software from Marel, in combination with other digital reporting systems. This uses a barcode or label information which allows us to track all the way back to a pen or forward to customer. Currently this involves interaction between a number of software programs and reports, we are currently updating the way we do this and are looking to use some more advanced software which some other Mowi business units are using.

That we have been certified to meet this standard is a great demonstration of the processes we have in place at the PHPP, and recognition of the hard work that went in to developing and maintaining them.

By Julio Osorio

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