BrainSafe Keeps Workplace Safety Top of Mind
Think safety first.
That’s the goal of Mowi Canada West’s BrainSafe Workshops, and it’s been the job of Facilitator Mike Strasdine, the Health and Safety representative at the Port Hardy Processing Plant to remind employees about the program, as he presents refresher courses to all sites.
“Most people were really receptive to the refresher,” says Strasdine. “The program runs best when everyone is engaged and people can really share their experiences. I believe they also understood that the push for safety is company–wide and starts at the top.”
Strasdine began introducing the refresher course at PHPP in February.
“It was a rewarding experience. It gave me the opportunity to share my experience with people of getting injured at work and really let them know how important it is to think and work safely,” he says.
“I think BrainSafe has made a massive change in our company since it was introduced back in 2012. It gets people thinking about what is important in life and gives them the tools to work safely and to achieve that.”
He has been with Mowi Canada West for 10 years, and is the PHPP Cooler/Outside Supervisor, meaning he looks after all logistics for the plant, runs the shipping crew, and provides training on mobile equipment. He recently became Co-chair of the processing plant’s Joint Health and Safety Committee.
“I was asked to take up the role of BrainSafe facilitator to help the safety team give a refresher to employees here at the plant and help the safety culture grow,” Strasdine says. “This project will help me grow by making me more comfortable speaking in front of bigger groups of people and gives me insight into other aspects of the company.”
And he is a firm believer in BrainSafe.
“We all should be working safely and have the courage to speak up if things seem unsafe,” he adds.