Code of Conduct Suppliers - MOWI - Scotland

Code of Conduct Suppliers

1: Comply with all laws and regulations applicable to business

1.1. Mowi suppliers will comply with applicable laws and regulations governing their business activities, worldwide.

1.2 Mowi suppliers are committed to high ethical standards in the conduct of their business worldwide. Employees will not engage in fraudulent or corruptive business activities.

2: Be honest, fair and trustworthy

2.1 Mowi suppliers works at all times in a manner consistent with Mowi reputation as a reliable, honest and trustworthy business partner.

2.2. Mowi suppliers provide full, timely and accurate information and business data to the public, shareholders and business partners.

2.3. Mowi suppliers provide full, fair, timely, accurate and understandable reporting of their financial results and conditions.

2.4. Mowi suppliers prohibits payments – giving or receiving – made improperly to gain advantage, in every country around the world, in either the public or private sector. Gifts or favors of a nominal value, made openly, might be acceptable.

2.5 Mowi supplier’s relationships with their suppliers shall be lawful, efficient and fair.

2.6 Mowi suppliers will comply with all applicable competition laws.

2.7 Mowi suppliers will conduct business only with reputable customers and suppliers involved in legitimate business activities with funds derived from legitimate sources.

2.8 Mowi suppliers will comply with all applicable sanctions laws by only doing business with reputable customers and suppliers.

3: Avoid conflicts between work and personal interests

3.1 Conflicts, or the appearance of conflicts, between work responsibilities and free-time activities or personal interests and business, must be avoided.

3.2. It is illegal to buy or sell securities on the basis of material, non-public (‘inside’) information. It is also illegal to communicate (or ‘tip’) inside information to others.

4: Protect safety and health

4.1. For Mowi suppliers, safety and health is primary in everything – and essential to Mowi employees, their families, the community and customers. Mowi suppliers require that safety should not be compromised for any other business priority.

5: Practice fair employment

5.1. Mowi suppliers are committed to respecting the privacy of individuals, and will handle personal data responsibly and in compliance with applicable privacy laws.

5.2. All Mowi suppliers activities shall be conducted without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national or other origin, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, or any other characteristic where a person is not treated as an individual.

5.3. Mowi suppliers recognize the right of all workers and employees freely to form and join groups for the promotion and defense of their occupational interests, including the right to engage in collective bargaining.

5.4. Mowi suppliers are committed to the abolition of child labor, and all forms of forced or compulsory labor.
Mowi suppliers considers the minimum age for employment as not lower than the age of completion of compulsory schooling as set by national law, and in any event not lower than 15 years of age.

6: Support an open and positive culture

6.1. Mowi suppliers aim to be an open, positive and supportive working community.

7: Be a positive force in the community

7.1. Mowi suppliers support and observe the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in their operations.
Mowi suppliers require a similar commitment from their suppliers and participants in their supply chain.

7.2. Mowi suppliers aim for positive relationships in local communities where they operate, and to contribute to local development.

General conditons for products of Goods and Services

Code of Conduct Supplier declaration – English

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