Food Safety
The results of our rigorous testing program continue to demonstrate that our salmon is both safe and healthy.

In 2022 we increased the focus on implementing common global systems for our processing plants, such as traceability systems and common databases for microbiology results.

Food safety hazards
Environmental contaminants
Environmental contaminants in our feed and fish are kept far below the safe limits (MRLs) set by the food safety authorities around the world. Through our ONEMowi Operational Excellence Program we secure a harmonised monitoring program for undesirable substances in the Mowi group. In this program we include heavy metals, pesticides, GMOs, mycotoxins and dioxins/dioxin-like PCBs.
In recent years, a comprehensive monitoring program related to microplastics has been implemented. This so we understand what impact microplastic can have for our value chain.
Pathogen bacteria
Pathogen bacteria are kept under control to prevent contamination in our products, both to ensure the safety of our own ready-to- eat and ready-to-heat products and to ensure that fish sold to commercial customers for further processing is risk-free. Listeria monocytogenes is one of the potential food-borne pathogens in fish products which are consumed without prior heat treatment.
Due to increased consumption of raw salmon in products such as sushi, it has become even more important to fully control the risk of Listeria contamination.
Medicine use and residue
Fish, like other animals and humans, may become ill and require intervention. Our approach to medicine use and medicine residue is very strict and is designed with an emphasis on disease prevention and fish welfare. Our fish health professionals use medicines only when other measures are not sufficient, or when fish welfare may be compromised. Any prescription is signed by a certified veterinarian or fish health professional, and the approval process is strictly controlled by the relevant authorities.
Our product recall system is part of our ONEMowi operational excellence program where we have specific policies and standard operating procedures related to incident reporting and crisis handling. Each business unit has its own crisis team which handle the incidents locally.