Taste & Health
Salmon is versatile and appeals to people of all ages with its highly appetising taste, look, texture and colour.

The megatrends driving salmon demand are strong and driven by health trends and a growing need for more low-carbon diets.
Our salmon is a high-quality product that has a taste and health profile that few other products can match. We know the main reason why consumers choose our product over and over again: TASTE. Nothing is as important as taste when it comes to food. In many countries, salmon is the top choice and favourite fish among consumers. From this delicious produce, we create new recipes and products throughout the year and offer it to our customers and consumers.

Tasty salmon pizza with tomato, rocket, capers and lemon creme

Salmon shiitake truffel butter with black rice and mushroom salsa

Pumpkin puree soup with baked salmon & balsamic sauce

Salmon, asparagus & lemon-garlic butter sauce

Healthy & fresh salmon orzo salad

Salmon & avocado rice bowl

A true superfood

Health authorities around the world advise people to include at least one portion of oily fish per week into their diets because of the associated health benefits.
Along with plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, and nuts, fish is categorised as an ’emphasised food’ in a planetary healthy diet by the EAT Lancet commission8.
Our salmon is an excellent source of high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals (including potassium, selenium and vitamin B12), but it is the content of the long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA that receives the most attention, and rightly so!
Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for:

Omega-3 fatty acids help to maintain healthy heart by lowering blood pressure, as well as reduce the risk of sudden death, heart attack, stroke1,2,3, and coronary heart disease3,4
Omega-3 fatty support brain function and development in infants. They also possibly prevent psychiatric diseases, particularly cognitive decline in the elderly5.
Omega-3 fatty acids possibly prevent inflammation and reduce the risk of arthritis5,6.
- Weichselbaum E et al. Nutr Bull 2013;38(2):128–177.
- Schwellenbach LJ et al. J Am Coll Nutr 2006;25(6):480–485.
- Innes J.K and Calder P.C Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020;21, 1362.
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Summary of qualified health claims subject to enforcement discretion. 2014. Available at: https://regulatorydoctor.us/ wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Summary-of-Qualified-Health-Claims-Subject-to-Enforcement-Discretion.pdf. Last accessed January 2020.
- Pusceddu M.M et al. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2016; 19(12): 1-23.
- Akbar U et al. JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology 2017 23;(6): 330-339.

Mowi salmon nutritiousness
EPA and DHA are in cell membranes and help cells function properly. Marine Omega-3 prevent development of cardio-vascular disease.
Protein is a building block in muscles.
At least nine amino acids are essential for humans, and all nine are present at balanced levels in our salmon.
Salmon is rich in the very long chain fatty acids which are essential for our health and are needed to ensure cells function well.
Vitamin B12 helps red blood cells form and keeps the nervous system healthy. A lack of vitamin B12 can cause a form of anaemia.
Iodine plays a vital role in our metabolism and a deficiency can lead to reduced growth and mental decline. It’s particularly vital for pregnant women to aid the growing baby’s development.
Selenium helps cognitive function and fertility for men and women. Lack of selenium leads to weakening of the heart muscles and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Lack of vitamin D is associated with rickets in children and soft bones in adults.
Vitamin E plays a role in our immune function and is an important anti-oxidant needed to protect cells.

- Source: IMR seafood data, 2021 results ex Vitamine E, 2012 numbers (sjomatdata.hi.no)
- Nordic Nutrition Recommendations and EFSA
- Recommended daily intake of proteins for adults (70kg) is 0,83 protein/kg body weight/daily.
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