Mowi’s 2018 Annual Report

Mowi releases its first annual report as a refreshed entity, providing shareholders an integrated look at its full value chain.
The world’s largest salmon aquaculture company announced in 2018 its company-wide change of name to Mowi, and associated MOWI brand. This change was in part a nod to salmon farming pioneers, but also the firm’s control of the full value chain, the company noted.
The company’s latest annual report details this value chain, built over the past 50 years of investment and research, into sections that includes people, planet, profit and product. The latter section highlights the company’s strategy to speak directly with its customers.
“In 2018, we achieved an extraordinary milestone in the history of the company, with the business transformation to a global corporate brand,” explains CEO Alf-Helge Aarskog, in his address to shareholders. “The time is right, as for many years we have worked to develop and control the most important aspects of the value chain: breeding, feed, farming, processing and sales.”
“We want to open up and show our entire value chain,” adds Andreas Johler, Branding Director. “In our experience this is important to the consumers in all our markets. People want to know more, and we want to give them access to the information so that they easily can see what we do and how we operate.”
One method to achieve this new level of customers engagement is featured on page 76 the Report: a unique QR code that is easily accessed through any smart phone, and takes you directly to profile your salmon’s complete lifecycle including birthplace and nutritional values. Currently only available for its Mowi branded salmon, the company plans to roll out this feature to additional products.