The treatment of the Amazon is unacceptable

“The treatment of the Amazon is unacceptable. Mowi will have to consider finding other sources for feed raw materials unless the situation improves,” says Mowi’s Chief Sustainability Officer, Catarina Martins.
“Mowi source from certified suppliers, and can guarantee that our suppliers are not linked to deforestation or human rights violations today. However, it is important that we and everyone else who buys goods from Brazil clearly state that the rainforest must be preserved and that the current situation is unacceptable,” she adds.
Sourcing sustainable feed ingredients is crucial if Mowi are to remain a front-runner with regard to environmental responsibility. Our policy for sustainable feed ingredients applies to all feed purchased externally, as well as the feed we produce ourselves.
Mowi’s feed plant in Bjugn, Norway, is Global GAP certified, and produced 348 402 tonnes of feed in 2018. Mowi Feed supplied salmon feed to all our seawater farms in Norway, except our northernmost farms in 2018.
Mowi support global efforts to increase the purchase of sustainable vegetable raw materials. Our external feed supply contracts stipulate that Mowi only accepts raw soy materials that are compliant to soy certifications, such as ProTerra and equivalent schemes. The soy used in our own feed production is non-GM (not genetically modified), and is 100% sourced from ProTerra certification or RTRS members.
Mowi’s sustainability policies are available here.