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Feed research publications

Recent research publications:

Adhikari P. 2015. Effect of dietary enrichment with antioxidants on the sensory quality of raw and cooked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) Master Thesis. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biosciences. NMBU. 63pp

Adhikari P., Rørvik K.-A., Mørkmøre T. 2016. Mindre gaping og bedre saftighet. Norsk Fiskeoppdrett 11/2016…/Mindre_gaping_og_bedre_saftighet

Berge G.M., Østbye T-K., Kjær M.A., Sonesson A., Mørkøre T., Ruter B. 2015. Betydning av genetisk bakgrunn og ulike nivåer av omega 3 fettsyrer i fôr i tidlige livsfaser for fiskehelse, fettsyresammensetning og muskelkvalitet ved slaktestørrelse. FHF-prosjekt 900770 – Delrapport 2 Rapport 8/2015

Bou M., Wang X., Todorˇcevi´c M., Knutsdatter Østbye T.K., Torgersen J., Ruyter B. 2020. Lipid deposition and mobilisation in Atlantic salmon adipocytes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 2332;

Gjerde, B. 2014. Effekt av trening av laks på tilvekst, kroppsform og overleving. Havbruk – Havbruk i sumfunnet. Trømsø. 31. March – 2. April HAVBRUK en næring i vekst. Frisk fisk – PDF Free Download (

Hossain K.Z., 2015. Fillet quality and health of vaccinated and unvaccinated Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) Master Thesis. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biosciences. NMBU. 79pp

Kousoulaki K., Berge G.M., Mørkøre T., Krasnov A., Baeverfjord G., Ytrestøyl T., Carlehog M., Sweetman J., Ruyter B. 2020. Microalgal Schizochytrium limacinum biomass improves growth and fillet quality when used long-term as a replacement for fish oil in modern salmon diets. Progress in Marine Science, 7. Article 57. P1-P22

Kazlauskaite, R., Cheaib, B., Heys, C. Ijaz, U.Z., Connelly S., Sloan W., Russel J., Rubio, L., Sweetman J., Kitts A., McGinnity P., Lyons P. & Llewellyn M. SalmoSim: the development of a three-compartment in vitro simulator of the Atlantic salmon GI tract and associated microbial communities. Microbiome 9, 179 (2021).

Moltumyr, L. 2015. Hjertemorfologi og hjertehelse hos villaks og oppdrettslaks (Salmo salar L.) Master Thesis. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biosciences. NMBU. 149pp

Mørkøre T., Larsson T., Kvellestad A., Koppang E.O., Åsli M., Krasnov A., Dessen J-E., Moreno H.M., Valen E.C., Gannestad K.H., Gjerde B., Taksdal T., Bæverfjord G., Meng Y., Heia K., Wold J.P., Borderias A.J., Moghadam H., Romarheim O.H., Rørvik K.-A. 2015. Mørke flekker I laksefilet. NOFIMA Rapport 34/2015. 80pp

Mørkøre T., Meng Y., Larsson T., Rørvik K.-J., Kousoulaki K., Berge G.M., Ruyter, B. 2018. 18th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 3. – 7. June

Mørkøre T., Meng Y., Romarheim O.H., Rørvik K.-A. 2018. Muggsopp påvirker laksens helse og filetkvalitet. Havbruk. Oslo, 18.-20. April…/Muggsopp-pavirker-laksens-helse-og-filetkvalitet-Mycotoxins-affect-health-and-fillet-quality-of-Atlantic-salmon.pdf

Rafiq, M.B., 2015. Dietary Impact of Feed on Performance, Health and Tissue Melanization of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) Master Thesis. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biosciences. NMBU. 67pp

Ruyter B., Kousoulaki K., Krasnov A., Sissener N., Simon C., Mørkøre, Bou Mira M., Østbye T.K., Bæverfjord G., Sanden M., Romarheim O.H., Carlehög M., Ytrestøyl T., Royo E.L., Berge G. 2019. Nye omega-3-kilder i fôr til laks. Faglig sluttrapport. FHF 901037. NOFIMA Rapport 14/2019. 74pp

Tan X.Y. 2020. Something Fishy Going On: Microbiome Development in SalmoSim’s Salmon Gut Simulator. Project Report from the University of Groningen mEE_2020_TanYX.pdf (

Wang W., 2016. The effect of dietary antioxidants on hyperpigmented fillet spots of Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar L.). Master Thesis. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences. NMBU. 59pp

Weihe, R., Dessen, J-E., Arge, R., Thomassen, M.S., Hatlen, B., Rørvik, K.A. 2019. Increased protein-to-lipid ratio in energy-dense diets improves slaughter yields and muscle thickness of different weight classes of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture Reports, 13, March 2019, 100173

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