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Mowi 4.0 Smart Farming

What’s 4.0 Smart Farming?

In Farming, this includes implementation of remote operations centres, automatic feeding, real-time monitoring of biomass, tracking of fish welfare, and machine learning among other initiatives. Farming Norway is leading the way with this work and within the next five years we expect to have completed the roll-out of Smart Farming in our largest farming unit.

Our Goal

The ongoing implementation of Smart Farming technologies in Mowi Farming is expected to have a positive impact not only on produc- tivity and costs, but also on fish welfare and sustainability. This work is part of our overall plan called Mowi 4.0 to transform and make the value chain more efficient through digitalisation and automation.

Innovation throughout the value chain

Click on salmon journey element to link to see more details

Breeding & genetics

Genomic selection, traceability and benchmarking

  • optimising genomic selection
  • use of high resolution phenotypes
  • full traceability and benchmarking genetic progress with production data

Nutrition and genetic interaction

  • relationship between nutrition, genetics, product quality and performance

Best genetics for enhanced fish robustness and product quality

  • tackling fish diseases and lice challenges with improved genetics
  • product quality characteristics included in breeding goals

Feed Production

Maintain raw material flexibility

  • developing the raw-material basket and ensuring availability of cost effective, safe and sustainable raw materials

Ensure optimal nutrient composition

  • improving our understanding of the nutrient requirements of Mowi salmon

Diets enhancing fish robustness and product quality

  • developing functional ingredients and better meeting the nutritional needs of Mowi salmon
  • feed development to fine-tune product quality attributes

Freshwater/smolt production

Constructing state of the art RAS facilities

  • development of bespoke Mowi optimal design for RAS systems including real-time monitoring of water quality

Exploring new smolt production technology platforms

  • alternative production systems for post smolt production

Optimise smolt production

  • evaluating production methods for best performance, robustness and welfare

Seawater production / on growing

Further reduce medicine use

  • new and better vaccines
  • optimised practices and biosecurity

Improve solutions for lice control (prevention and treatment)

  • optimising current tools
  • developing novel solutions, including passive control methods Improve net-pen technology
  • machine learning tools for automatic sea lice counting, biomass monitoring and autonomous feeding
  • effective anti-fouling and net strategies

Remote Operation Centres

  • developing remote farming operations centres with centralised feeding and remote expert solutions
  • realising the Most Automated Farm concepts seeking simplification, automation and optimisation in daily operations


Ensure premium product quality

  • optimising production related factors impacting negatively on product quality
  • exploring new or improved production, harvesting and processing methods

Maintain listeria control

  • seeking better practices, solutions and tools to ensure a safe product

Processing automation

  • on-line scanners for product quality and automatic grading


Sustainable packaging

  • implementing the 4Rs packaging principles (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Replace)

Develop new products

  • creating more diversified products that are healthy, sustainable, tasty and convenient

Learn more about R&D at Mowi

Creating value through R&D and Technical support
Our R&D and Innovation facilities
Innovation on net pens