January 2019 - MOWI - Scotland

Scottish Business Insider ranks Mowi as country’s top salmon farming company

Moving up 12 spots from the previous year, Mowi ranks 31st out of 500 of Scotland’s top businesses.  Mowi Scotland (formerly Marine Harvest Scotland) is pleased to be recognised as a top performing company in the newly released Scottish Business Insider’s Top500 (2019). The list, released earlier this month, ranks the company 31st of 500. 

Marine Harvest Scotland is now Mowi

The company’s shares will be quoted on Oslo Børs with the new name and the new ticker “MOWI”. “Mowi is an inspirational name that recalls our pioneering spirit that has developed over the past 50 years,” says Alf-Helge Aarskog, CEO of Mowi. “Since the first salmon was farmed in 1964, we have grown into a

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