Dawnfarm Farming Archives - MOWI - Scotland

First post smolts transferred from Loch Etive

The first transfer of post smolts from Loch Etive at the end of September marks a significant milestone for Mowi Scotland. Having been granted consents to grow post smolt salmon in Loch Etive in late 2023, the first post smolts have been transferred to Muck. Speaking about the post smolt transfer, Ben Hadfield, COO Mowi

Community engagements for Loch Etive taking place this month

As previously reported, Mowi has launched a community engagement process to explore the potential for its farms at Loch Etive to grow post-smolt salmon. The farms at Loch Etive are part of Dawnfresh Farming’s operations acquired by Mowi Scotland earlier this year. Two events have been organised to provide an opportunity for members of the

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