aquaculture Archives - MOWI - Scotland

Highlights from Mowi freshwater in 2024

2024 was the biggest year of freshwater production for Mowi Scotland ever. A total of 22.5 million smolts were put to sea at Mowi farms, Wester Ross and some third-party farms. This is a huge logistical challenge with 38 million fish transported by road and 11 million fish delivered to sea from the end of

Mowi hosts Scottish Affairs Committee

Mowi was pleased to host members of Westminster’s Scottish Affairs Committee to our farm at Loch Erisort as part of a fact-finding visit to the Western Isles in December. Mowi currently employs 163 people within the Western Isles and Skye area. Nine MPs joined the trip and met with local workers including Regional Manager, Don

Construction of permanent broodstock facility for Mowi Scotland well underway

The construction of Mowi Scotland’s permanent broodstock operation at Ardessie is well underway and should be fully operational in 2025. 50 million eyed eggs, enough to supply all Mowi farms in Scotland, as well as some excess that could be sold commercially, will be produced at Ardessie. This state-of-the-art facility is designed to allow photoperiod

The recovery of Loch Ewe seabed

A three-year post-closure environmental study has been conducted around Mowi’s former Isle of Ewe fish farm on the north west coast of Scotland. Through the operational life of fish farms, environmental effects are limited and managed by a robust regulatory framework underpinned by environmental standards that ensure the protection of the seabed and biodiversity. There

First trees planted at new native woodland on Skye

The first 50 of 112,000 trees have been planted as part of a new native woodland being established at Maol Ban on the Isle of Skye by Mowi Scotland. Over 2024-2025, 112,000 native broadleaved trees will be planted across 102 hectares of land near to Mowi Scotland’s Caol Mor seawater farm on the north side

First post smolts transferred from Loch Etive

The first transfer of post smolts from Loch Etive at the end of September marks a significant milestone for Mowi Scotland. Having been granted consents to grow post smolt salmon in Loch Etive in late 2023, the first post smolts have been transferred to Muck. Speaking about the post smolt transfer, Ben Hadfield, COO Mowi

Welcome to Loch Etive!

Join James Sibley as he witnesses the transfer of salmon post smolts to the Isle of Muck as part of Mowi Scotland’s latest innovative trial. Salmon are raised from eggs to juvenile smolts in land-based hatcheries, after which they are traditionally transferred to sea pens. One of the challenges with this process is that the

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