sustainability Archives - Page 2 of 2 - MOWI - Scotland

Mowi named most sustainable protein producer fifth year in a row

November 7, 2023 For the fifth consecutive year, Mowi has been ranked the most sustainable animal protein producer by the Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index. The Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index is the most detailed assessment of the largest meat, dairy and farmed fish producers in the world. Rankings for each of the 60 companies assessed

MOWI wins ASC Brand of the Year Award 2023

Nina Gomeche, MOWI Brand Manager, and Robin Brown, Head of Technical and Development at Mowi Consumer Products, collect ASC Award MOWI has been voted the ASC Brand of the Year for 2023 in the Aquaculture Stewardship Council UK annual awards ceremony at the Fishmonger’s Hall in London on October 26th. The dedicated ASC awards celebrate

Significant milestone reached in goal to reduce vehicle emissions

Mowi Scotland has appointed Gofor to manage its transition to a combined electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle fleet. Our aim is for all company cars to be zero-emission or hybrid by 2025, including vans and pick-ups, as suitable vehicles become available. Mowi has already begun the transition to electric vehicles, EVs and PHEVs, and

Mowi sends record volume of fish in bespoke sustainable packaging

In 2022, a record 36% of the head-on gutted salmon (HOG) processed at the Blar Mhor plant in Fort William was packed in S-BINs; reusable containers designed specifically for Mowi Scotland that can hold up to 400kg. This figure is up from 29% on the previous year. One S-BIN, made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and

Mowi ranked top sustainable protein producer again

Mowi has been ranked the top sustainable protein producer in the world for the fourth year running by the respected Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index, published in December. The Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index assesses the sustainability performance of 60 of the largest publicly listed animal protein producers on ten environmental, social and governance themes

Great British Beach Clean

The Great British Beach Clean takes place this month from the 16th to the 25th of September. Mowi will be out in force again this year with staff across our sites all over Scotland joining in to rid our beaches of litter and analyse that litter so the Marine Conservation Society can use the data

The importance of blue foods discussed at COP26

As Glasgow hosted the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) last month, it was an opportunity for Mowi to participate in important discussions about environmental sustainability and the increased role that aquaculture can play in providing healthy food to a global population whilst minimising our carbon footprint. Mowi’s Chief Sustainability and Technology

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